Writing an effective open letter is a great skill to have which can be gained with practice. We have written an in-depth blog on “How to write an effective open letter“.
But having a template or structure to follow while writing an open letter can be of great help. We will explore such a template or format for an effective open letter in this blog.
This is the same template that we expect our “Open Voices” to use while writing their open letters to submit on our website.
The template/format:

- The Title: You can write a unique and attention-grabbing title for your open letter. For example: “Letter from Birmingham Jail” or “An Open Letter to the People I Make Cry Every Day“.
- To: As mentioned in our other blog “How to write an effective open letter” targeting the right recipient(s) for your Open Letter will help showcase how serious you are about the issue. You should mention the right individual or group of people here.
- Body: The body of an effective open letter should generally entail a what-why-how logic throughout the paragraphs. The “what” part introduces the problem; the “why” explains the writer’s motivation and the “how” section contains the proposed solution. You can find more details in our blog: How to Write an Effective Open Letter — The what-why-how
- Signature: Signing your letter will make it a formal document. In the template stated above, we have added a few additional points under the signature section which are customized for the open letter submission on this website only. You as an open letter writer (termed as “Open Voice” by us) for submission on this website can provide more details about yourself in the signature section.
This concludes our discussion on the effective open letter template/format in this blog. But we recommend reading our other blog “How to Write an Effective Open Letter — The what-why-how” that takes a deep dive further on this topic.
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